Looking for a Career in the Fast-Growing Cybersecurity Industry?

  • Career Advice
  • By Telus
  • Published on July 21, 2022

TELUS Cybersecurity offers diverse, challenging, and exciting opportunities to job seekers

About the Cybersecurity Market

Protecting network, information, and personal data from cyber-attacks is growing in importance as our personal lives, commerce, healthcare, and more move increasingly toward online spaces. The modern workplace presents its own set of challenges. As a result, cybersecurity is becoming the top concern of many as businesses move forward with remote, hybrid, and/or cloud-based work environments. Across almost every industry, we collect, process, and store unprecedented amounts of data. There is heavy reliance on critical infrastructure in cyberspace to deliver services and operate seamlessly. The good news about this shift is that it’s opening up fun and challenging roles for security industry professionals.

Future focus: The demand in Canada and abroad continues to grow

Cybersecurity is a growing industry that has been and will continue to scale rapidly. The global cybersecurity market is projected to grow from USD 155.83 billion in 2022 to USD 376.32 billion by 20291. Driven by the jump in e-commerce platforms, loT and AI, cloud security, and more, key market players continue to develop internet security solutions. Faster, less expensive, and easier will always be the path of least resistance, resulting in an increased movement away from traditional data storage measures and toward the cloud.

In Canada, we are seeing the effects of this growth, with the number of cybersecurity jobs increasing by 7% each year2. When you consider that every business uses technology in some way to deliver products and services, it makes sense that cybersecurity is quickly growing and that there are many professionals in this field who work in diverse and interesting roles including3:

●         National security

●         Securing critical infrastructure like telecommunications or electrical distribution systems

●         Protecting personal information and identities

●         Defending against ransomware and more.

The Good News for Cybersecurity Job Seekers

Diverse skillsets apply, and you could be more qualified for a cybersecurity position than you imagined. For example, perhaps you are an individual with a background in web design and development. This could make you an ideal candidate for a job in penetration testing as you would already have the experience and knowledge of the back end of websites which is as helpful to building a website as it is to breaching it. Another consideration is that professionals in the security industry tend to upskill regularly to stay relevant and ahead of the game. You might already have the expertise you need to succeed. Skills such as problem-solving, technical aptitude, knowledge of security across various platforms, attention to detail, communication skills, and the ability to continually learn are ideal skills for a career in cybersecurity. If these skills are already your bread and butter, they can easily be leveraged into a career in this rapidly growing industry, which is quickly becoming the top priority for organizations nationwide.

Considerations when looking for a job in cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is challenging, exciting, fast-paced, and meaningful. Look for a company with flexible work modes, including remote work and hybrid workstyles. It’s also wise to consider a company with a variety of career path options and the ability to work with diverse industries and disciplines.

If this sounds like an environment that would be a good fit for you, or if you’re interested in working on the latest technologies, including cloud and 5G, IoT, telecom and premises security, etc., check out our wide range of cybersecurity career opportunities at TELUS. And most importantly, by working with TELUS, you’ll be part of a community of giving and a company that’s building a better future for all Canadians using our technology for good.

View our job postings here: https://canadiancybersecurityjobs.com/jobs?q=TELUS&category=&job_type=&location=&location_id=


1.        https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/industry-reports/cyber-security-market-101165

2.        https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ca/Documents/risk/ca-cyber-talent-campaign-report-pov-aoda-en.PDF

3.        https://cyber.gc.ca/sites/default/files/2020-09/2021-0089-student-guide-e-sept25-2.pdf